My Health Patient Portal
My Health is a free, secure online resource that lets you access your health information 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from anywhere there is an Internet connection
My Health is a free, secure online resource that lets you access your health information 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from anywhere there is an Internet connection
Mankato Clinic is dedicated to you and your family, which is why we’ve created the Patient Partner Advisory Council to help improve the experience for all our patients and families.
Patient education to help you understand an upcoming appointment or procedure, as well as forms that can be filled out prior to your appointment to save you time.
This Notice of Medical Information Privacy is Effective 2/25/15. Publication Date: 2/25/15 Website Privacy PolicyThank you for visiting Mankato Clinic’s website. We are concerned about your privacy while visiting our site and we want you to feel comfortable about any personal information that you might furnish while accessing this site. Mankato Clinic has created this … Continued
Pay your bill online quickly, easily, and at a time that is convenient for you. Pay your bill online Sign Up for E-Statements Here’s how Online Bill Payment and Electronic Statements make life easier: Why should I sign up for e-statements? To sign up:Just click the blue “Pay my bill online” button above, enter your … Continued
It is the policy of the Mankato Clinic to protect the rights of patients and to inform them of their rights, as well as responsibilities. This policy is adapted from the 1998 Patients Bill of Rights Act. Copies of the Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities are posted in prominent areas throughout the Mankato Clinic. … Continued
The Release of Information Department maintains all medical records related to the care you have received at the Mankato Clinic. Access to medical records is protected by federal HIPAA regulations. Copies of medical records may be released upon receipt of an Authorization to Release and Disclose Patient Information form completed by the patient (if over … Continued
We are pleased to be able to offer you several convenient online services and health tools. These tools were designed to help you manage your health and save time. If you have any difficulty using these tools, please call us at 507-625-1811 or 1-800-657-6944. We are happy to assist you with scheduling an appointment, referrals, transferring … Continued
Price lists for our 25 most frequently billed healthcare services.
Thank you for choosing the Mankato Clinic for your health care needs. The Mankato Clinic Patient Financial Services team understands the complexity of medical charges and insurance plans and are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Mankato Clinic Account Representatives are available by telephone at 507-389-8507 from 7 a.m. to 5 … Continued