October 21, 2024

Meal and snack times do not have to be a battle or a compromise of nutrition. Showing kids how to create a balanced plate is a great way to help foster lifelong habits.

Laura Hoekstra MS, RD, LD

Pediatric Nutrition

A good place to start is by teaching children about fun and fueling foods. Fueling foods are what our bodies use for energy and to help us grow big and strong, whereas fun foods are those that we eat for enjoyment—and both fit into a balanced diet!

With a little creativity, you can offer meals and snacks that are both fun and nourishing. Here are a few ways to help instill positive eating habits and turn your family meal times into an exciting part of the day!

  1. Plan Meals Together: Engage your children in planning weekly meals. Let them choose from a list of options and encourage them to pick new fruits, vegetables, or whole grains to try or allow kids to experiment, making their own new creations!
  2. Educate About Nutrition: Explain the benefits of different food groups in simple terms. For example, tell them that fruits and veggies help them grow strong, while whole grains give them energy to play.
  3. Cook Together: Let kids participate in meal and snack preparation. They can help with age-appropriate tasks like washing vegetables, stirring ingredients, or setting the table. This hands-on experience can make them more interested in the foods they help prepare.
  4. Establish Meal and Snack Times: Create a routine for meals and snacks to help regulate hunger and avoid unnecessary snacking. Consistent meal times can help develop a balanced eating schedule.
  5. Eat Together: Family meals provide an opportunity to model healthy eating habits and foster positive food relationships. Make mealtime a pleasant, relaxing time for conversation and enjoyment of the meal together.
  6. Model Healthy Eating: Children are more likely to adopt balanced eating habits if they see their parents and caregivers doing the same. Make nutritious foods a regular part of your diet and demonstrate balanced eating at family meals.
  7. Share Your Enthusiasm: Talk about the benefits of fueling foods and show enthusiasm when eating them. Your positive attitude can influence your child’s perception of these foods.
  8. Be Patient and Persistent: Introduce new foods gradually. It can take several exposures to a new food before a child accepts it. Continue to offer a variety of foods without pressuring them to eat.
  9. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and praise your child’s efforts when they try new foods or make balanced choices. Positive reinforcement can encourage them to continue exploring fueling options.
  10. Provide Snack Options: Offer a variety of fun and fueling foods at snack times and let kids choose what they want. This helps give them a sense of control and encourages them to try new foods.

By adding these ideas into your routine, you can help your kids get the nutrients they need while also enjoying their food. Have fun working together to transform meal and snack times into enjoyable, nourishing experiences for everyone!

Learn more about pediatric nutrition services.