Blog Posts Page
How to Eat Healthy This Holiday Season
November 6, 2015 The holidays are just around the corner, which mean traditions, celebrations and, for many of us, the urge to overindulge in tasty treats in the office and at holiday dinners with our families. Just because the holidays often go hand-in-hand with goodies of all kind, doesn’t mean that you have to lose…
Patient Cards Are There When You Need Them
September 22, 2015 In the exam rooms, please help yourself to a Patient Card. The card is available for you to fill in your name, primary provider’s information, as well as any specialiast you may see. Included is a spot for allergies, surgical history and any other medical information. The Patient Card is a vital…
Vaccinations Offer an Easy Way to Prevent Illness in Your Child
September 9, 2015 Thanks to modern medicine, child vaccinations are responsible for preventing 322 million illnesses over the last 20 years. Because 78 million kids have been vaccinated over the past two decades, 732,000 deaths have been prevented. Was your child one of that nearly 80 million? Also referred to as a vaccination, an immunization…
Prep Your Beauty Routine for Your Wedding
August 17, 2015 Your wedding is the most important day of your life and like all brides you want to feel more beautiful than ever before. To help, it’s important to focus on a skin care routine that will leave you with the glow only a bride has. Finalizing a new skin care routine for…
Stay Cool with Tips to Protect Yourself from Heat-Related Illnesses
July 15, 2015 In Minnesota, we’re accustomed to weather extremes. From below zero weather to a heat index of more than 100° degrees, we see it all over the course of the year. With numerous days over 90° this July, it’s important to take the necessary precautions so you and your family members don’t feel…
Kids Can Get Arthritis, Too
July 6, 2015 Chances are that you or someone you know suffers from arthritis. Sure, it affects much of the world’s older population, but did you know that Juvenile Arthritis (JA) affects nearly 300,000 children in the U.S. alone? July, to honor those adolescents and to help inform you on the symptoms, is known as…
Creativity Goes a Long Way for Mental Health
June 25, 2015 From drawing to discovering your inner chef in the kitchen, art mediums have widely been recognized as a form of therapy for those who are being treated for mental disorders. For years, psychologists and psychiatrists have turned to art therapy to help their patients if they are having difficulty calming themselves. Research…
Protect Your family from the Sun’s Rays This Summer
June 15, 2015 Did you know that a startling 80 percent of sun exposure happens between the ages of birth and 18? This summer, think twice before sending your child outside to play without proper sun protection so they don’t become exposed to the harmful rays. Research has proven that even a few serious sunburns…
Kicking Off Spring with a Healthy Recipe
April 3, 2015 Before you know it Brussels sprouts, broccoli, bok choy, beets, asparagus, artichokes and acorn squash will be in their peaks, leaving your local grocery store stocked to the brim with all of the fresh, healthy vegetables you can get your hands on. Even though we’re still a few months or so away…
Get Informed: March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
March 6, 2015 March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and the perfect opportunity to become educated with the disease that causes the second most cancer-related deaths in the U.S. Whether you maintain a healthy weight, are under 50 and get regular health screenings, don’t think that colon cancer can’t happen to you. More importantly,…